Buy honey in Chatham County, North Carolina and Western North Carolina
2024 honey is SOLD OUT
I harvest honey every summer, but every year is different. Since I leave generous reserves on the hives, my small-batch harvests are direct sales only. All orders are first come, first served. I only reserve bottles for special events. Contact me to reserve honey for wedding favors, bridal and baby shower favors, unique business referral gifts, graduations, retirements, and any special occasion. I also design custom labels.
2024: As of July 24, mountain honey and Pittsboro honey are SOLD OUT. This was a record-breaking year with honey production and demand. Mountain honey sold out in 2 hours and Pittsboro honey sold out in 12 hours! This year 10% of all sales will be donated to the Rodale Institute, which helps support regenerative agriculture.
2023: Thank you for your support. Honey sold out in less than 72 hours! I donated 10% of all sales to the Xerces Society, a science-based nonprofit that protects wildlife.
2022: I bottled the 5-year anniversary edition of Chatham Blossoms and the inaugural harvest of Nantahala Nectar. 10% of all sales were donated to the Pollinator Partnership, the largest organization in the world protecting pollinators.
2021: Small harvest for friends and family only.
2020: No harvest.
2019: Sold out before I bottled.
2018: Small harvest for friends and family only.
2024: As of July 24, mountain honey and Pittsboro honey are SOLD OUT. This was a record-breaking year with honey production and demand. Mountain honey sold out in 2 hours and Pittsboro honey sold out in 12 hours! This year 10% of all sales will be donated to the Rodale Institute, which helps support regenerative agriculture.
2023: Thank you for your support. Honey sold out in less than 72 hours! I donated 10% of all sales to the Xerces Society, a science-based nonprofit that protects wildlife.
2022: I bottled the 5-year anniversary edition of Chatham Blossoms and the inaugural harvest of Nantahala Nectar. 10% of all sales were donated to the Pollinator Partnership, the largest organization in the world protecting pollinators.
2021: Small harvest for friends and family only.
2020: No harvest.
2019: Sold out before I bottled.
2018: Small harvest for friends and family only.
Five Acres Honey Farm is a hobby farm. Due to our small production and the costly nature of managing the hives, we do not make a profit. We sell our honey when possible because we enjoy offering it to people who appreciate it.